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Elmet Technologies
Chemical Concepts Chem-Set™ C-30 Marblemaster Dripless Seaming Adhesive
Categories: Polymer; Adhesive; Thermoset; Methacrylate; Methacrylate Adhesive

Material Notes: ChemSet C-30 is a two-part methacrylate, super flexible, dripless/non-sag, low shrink, low exotherm, ultra violet light stable, non-yellowing hard surfacing adhesive designed for the nearly seamless bonding of Porcelain, Sintered Stone, Glass, Engineered Stone, Marble, Quartz, and Natural Stone products. Applications: Fabrication of mitered edges, laminations and deck seams on: NATURAL STONE, CERAMICS , SINTERED SURFACES, QUARTZ, GLASS AND MORE.

Advantages: Non Drip / No Sag , Flexible Adhesive, Auto-dispense system, Invisible seams, Pre-mixed in 15 natural stone colors, High strength, UV resistant, Trimmable, LOW VOC.

Combined at a ratio of 10:1 (10 parts resin, one part activator), ChemSet C-30 Marblemaster has a working time of 10 to 15 minutes, with a 5 to 10 minute De-Roping Time, and achieves nearly 90 percent of its ultimate strength in 45 to 60 minutes at room temperature curing. ChemSet C-30 Marblemaster offers a combination of high strength, stiffness, and toughness as well as the ability to bond very strongly to a wide variety of hard surface or inorganic materials. ChemSet C-30 Marblemaster permits the seasoned fabricator the opportunity to apply the adhesive to vertical surfaces, as well as horizontal surfaces, without dripping, and upon gelation, gives the fabricator an extended window (5 to 10 minutes) to de-rope, or trim with a single bladed straight edge razor blade, the excess from the stone slab without ripping the adhesive out of the joint, nor damaging the surface of the stone.

Information provided by Chemical Concepts™.

Available Properties
  • Specific Gravity, Adhesive
  • Density, relative, Adhesive
  • Density, mixed
  • pH, Adhesive
  • pH, Activator
  • Viscosity, Activator
  • Viscosity, Adhesive
  • Vapor Pressure, Activator
  • Vapor Pressure, Adhesive
  • Melting Point, Adhesive
  • Boiling Point, Adhesive
  • Boiling Point, Activator
  • Flash Point, Adhesive, Tag closed cup
  • Flash Point
  • Processing Temperature
  • Working Life
  • Shelf Life
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