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Carpenter Custom Age 625 PLUS® Nickel-Base Alloy, Double Aged 718°C (1325°F)/8hr/AC to 621°C (1150°F)/8hr/AC
Categories: Metal; Nonferrous Metal; Nickel Alloy; Superalloy

Material Notes: Data provided by Carpenter Technology Corporation.

Custom Age 625 PLUS® alloy is a precipitation hardenable, nickel-base alloy which, in many environments, displays corrosion resistance similar to that of Alloy 625 and superior to that of Alloy 718. A yield strength (0.2% offset) above 120 ksi (827 MPa) can be obtained by aging without prior warm or cold working. The precipitation hardening capability is particularly important in applications where large-section size or intricate shape precludes warm working. In the age hardened (high strength) condition, Custom Age 625 PLUS alloy offers exceptional resistance to stress corrosion cracking as well as general, pitting and crevice corrosion.

Custom Age 625 PLUS alloy could be considered for applications where severely corrosive environments are a concern, such as those encountered in deep sour gas wells as well as in a variety of refinery and chemical process industry applications. In addition, Custom Age 625 PLUS alloy could be considered a candidate for use in marine environments, where Alloy 625 has been used successfully. The higher strength capability of Custom Age 625 PLUS alloy may be particularly useful for fasteners and shafts. Data provided by Carpenter Technology Corporation.

Custom Age 625 PLUS® alloy is a precipitation hardenable, nickel-base alloy which, in many environments, displays corrosion resistance similar to that of Alloy 625 and superior to that of Alloy 718. A yield strength (0.2% offset) above 120 ksi (827 MPa) can be obtained by aging without prior warm or cold working. The precipitation hardening capability is particularly important in applications where large-section size or intricate shape precludes warm working. In the age hardened (high strength) condition, Custom Age 625 PLUS alloy offers exceptional resistance to stress corrosion cracking as well as general, pitting and crevice corrosion.

Custom Age 625 PLUS alloy could be considered for applications where severely corrosive environments are a concern, such as those encountered in deep sour gas wells as well as in a variety of refinery and chemical process industry applications. In addition, Custom Age 625 PLUS alloy could be considered a candidate for use in marine environments, where Alloy 625 has been used successfully. The higher strength capability of Custom Age 625 PLUS alloy may be particularly useful for fasteners and shafts.

Custom Age 625 PLUS® is a registered trademark of Carpenter Technology Corporation.

Key Words: UNS N07716; NACE MR0175; ASTM B805; AMS 5854
Available Properties
  • Density
  • Hardness, Brinell, Estimated from Rockwell C for 3000 kg load, 10 mm ball Brinell measurement.
  • Hardness, Knoop, Estimated from Rockwell C
  • Hardness, Rockwell C
  • Hardness, Vickers, Estimated from Rockwell C
  • Tensile Strength, Ultimate
  • Tensile Strength, Yield
  • Elongation at Break, In 4D
  • Reduction of Area
  • Modulus of Elasticity
  • Electrical Resistivity
  • CTE, linear
  • CTE, linear
  • CTE, linear
  • Specific Heat Capacity
  • Melting Point
  • Solidus
  • Liquidus
  • Aluminum, Al
  • Carbon, C
  • Chromium, Cr
  • Iron, Fe, as remainder
  • Manganese, Mn
  • Molybdenum, Mo
  • Nickel, Ni
  • Niobium, Nb (Columbium, Cb)
  • Phosphorus, P
  • Silicon, Si
  • Sulfur, S
  • Titanium, Ti
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Manufacturer Notes:
Carpenter Technology Corporation (Cartech)

Category Notes

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