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Master Bond adhesives
Chemtotal F19 Guar Gum Powder
Categories: Polymer

Material Notes: Gum of guar is a versatile and efficient high polymer hydrophilic hydrocolloid, economical in use and easy to handle. Its ability to form highly viscous colloidal dispersions at low concentrations, without heating, makes it one of the most interesting of the hydrocolloids. It is few of naturally available water soluble gums, chemically classified as a galactomannan and possessing a molecular weight reported to be of order 200,000-250,000. It is nontoxic and nonionic, could be used with other synthetic and natural hydrocolloids. One of the most powerful water binder and viscosity enhancer, superior to practically all known water soluble gums.

Properties: Guar Gum powder increase the viscosity of the aqueous base even at small concentration of approximately 1%. Guar based gels are NonNewtonian i.e. their viscosity changes with the change in temperature. It has a Galactose to Mannose ratio of 1:2.. Solubility rates of Guar Gum powder could be increased by choosing an appropriate manufacturing process, thus achieving the Quick/Fast Hydrating Guar grades. It is insoluble in organic solvents and soluble in water(hold and cold). Being nonionic Guar is not effected by pH, but it is sensitive to high acidic media. The viscosity of guar in water depends on temperature, concentration, pH, shear rate. Guar shows shear thinning effect i.e. at high temperature it's solutions are less viscous but viscosity is regained when temperature is lowered.

Botanical Name: Cyamopsis Tetraglobalobus. IMCO: Harmless. Odorless. High terminal velocity.

Information provided by Chemtotal

Available Properties
  • pH
  • Brookfield Viscosity, 1% Solution with Brookfield Viscometer Spindle No. 4 at 20RPM
  • Ash
  • Arsenic, As
  • Copper, Cu, mg/kg
  • H2O, Water
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