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Metal adhesives
Chemical Concepts ChemSet™ Ultralok 300 Structural Methacrylate Adhesive
Categories: Polymer; Adhesive; Thermoset; Methacrylate; Methacrylate Adhesive

Material Notes: UltraLok™ is a two-part methacrylate, structural bonding adhesive designed for the structural bonding of various substrates, including fiberglass, steel, aluminum, and various plastics (not low energy surfaces). With a mix ratio of 1:1, UltraLok has a working time of 3 to 6 minutes and achieves nearly 90 percent of its ultimate strength in 10 to 15 minutes at room temperature curing. UltraLok provides high strength bonds to the above reference surfaces with generally no preparation effort. UltraLok bonds very strongly to steel, stainless steel, and aluminum metals. UltraLok adhesives are NOT UV STABLE, AND WILL YELLOW OVER TIME. This yellowing will not affect bond performance. Excellent Resistance to: hydrocarbons, acids and bases, vinegar, wine and condiments, most household foods. Susceptible to: polar solvents, super strong acids and bases.

UltraLok resin (Part A) and activator (Part B) are flammable. Contents include Methacrylate ester and acids. Keep containers closed after use. Wear gloves and safety glasses to avoid skin and eye contact. Wash with soap and water after skin contact. In case of eye contact, flush with water for 15 minutes and get medical attention. Harmful if swallowed. Keep out of the reach of children. Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flames. To assure maximum bond strength, surfaces must be mated together within the specified working time, and all clamps affixed within that time. Use sufficient material to ensure that the joint is completely filled when parts are mated and clamped. Avoid over clamping parts, which may cause a dry joint or a joint starved of adhesive. All adhesive application, part positioning, fixturing, and clamping should occur before the working time of the adhesive has expired. After the indicated working time, parts must remain undisturbed until the fixture time is completed. Components bonded, adhesive, and shop temperature can have a significant effect on the work and fixture time of the adhesive. Application of UltraLok adhesive at temperatures between 65°F and 85°F (18°C and 30°C) will ensure proper cure. Temperatures below 65°F (18°C) will slow cure and fixture speed. UltraLok adhesives will still react, but will take longer. Temperatures above 85°F (18°C and 30°C) will increase cure and fixture speeds, and there’s a risk that the adhesive will be hardened or too thick to bond materials. The viscosities of UltraLok adhesives are affected by temperature. Because of the curing features of UltraLok adhesives, large amounts of heat are generated when large masses of material are mixed at one time. The heat generated by the exotherm resulting from mixing large amounts of adhesive can result in a boiling of the monomer in the adhesive (methyl methacrylate), resulting in the release of trapped air, steam and volatile gasses. To prevent this, use only enough material as needed for use within the working time for the product, and confine the gap or spread out the material to no more than .50 inches.

The shelf life of UltraLok is twelve (12) months from the date of manufacture based upon continuous storage at room temperature. Storage of UltraLok adhesives in refrigerated compartments will extend the shelf life even more. Do not store UltraLok adhesive or any other adhesives in a refrigerator which has food or lunch products in them. Bring UltraLok adhesives to room temperature for 24 hours before use, otherwise longer cure and fixture times may be expected. Long-term storage at temperatures above room temperature will shorten the shelf life of UltraLok adhesives considerably. Storage at temperatures above 100°F or 38°C could shorten the shelf life to less than one month. UltraLok adhesives contain no water, so freezing of the adhesive for short periods is permissible, but is not encouraged.

Information provided by Chemical Concepts™.

Available Properties
  • Density, activator, uncured
  • Density, mixed
  • Density, resin, uncured
  • Viscosity, uncured, resin
  • Viscosity, uncured, activator
  • Adhesive Bond Strength, ASTM D638, Substrate: ABS/PVC sheeting. Failure type: substrate.
  • Adhesive Bond Strength, ASTM D638, Substrate: Fiberglass surface. Failure type: substrate.
  • Adhesive Bond Strength, ASTM D638, Substrate: steel/stainless steel. Failure: cohesive.
  • Adhesive Bond Strength, ASTM D638, Substrate: aluminum. Failure: cohesive.
  • Flash Point
  • Processing Temperature
  • Working Life
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Metal adhesives
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