Description: Non-metallic honeycombs are manufactured from high temperature resistant aramid paper formed into a honeycomb structure, and coated with a phenolic resin. The combination of aramid paper and phenolic resin gives types A1 and A10 their superior strength, toughness and chemical resistance. The honeycomb cell shape is normally hexagonal for optimum mechanical properties. It can also be over expanded to produce a rectangular cell shape and provide improved drapeability for the production of curved parts. Key Features: - High mechanical strength at low densities.
- Outstanding resistance to corrosive attack by chemicals.
- Excellent resistance to impact damage and moisture.
- Fire retardant and self extinguishing.
- Low smoke and toxic gas emission.
- Highly resistant to fungal growth.
- Good dielectric properties, transparent to radio and radar waves.
- Easily cut and machined to shape and can be heat formed.
- Low thermal conductivity.
- Compatible with most lightweight reinforced composite materials, providing a good bonding surface for Redux® adhesives and self adhesive prepreg systems.
- Easy single curvature forming of over-expanded honeycomb.
Applications: Aerospace: Helicopter blades, fairings, interior panels, flooring, control surfaces, flaps, engine nacelles; HexWeb A1 honeycomb is qualified to all major aerospace specifications; Industrial: Marine and ground transportation, interior panels, flooring, bulkheads, hatches; Racing boat shells; High performance car chassis and body panels; Precision optical equipment; Desiccant and filtration systems; Radar reflectors, covers and emitters. HexWeb A10 honeycomb is recommended for all industrial applications.Information provided by Hexcel Corporation. |