MatWeb, Your Source for Materials Information
What is MatWeb? MatWeb's
searchable database of material properties includes
data sheets of thermoplastic and thermoset polymers such as ABS, nylon, polycarbonate,
polyester, polyethylene and polypropylene; metals such as aluminum, cobalt, copper,
lead, magnesium, nickel, steel, superalloys, titanium and zinc alloys; ceramics;
plus semiconductors, fibers, and other engineering materials.
Benefits of registering with MatWeb
Premium membership Feature: - Material data
exports into CAD/FEA Programs including:
How to Find Property Data in MatWeb
Quantitative Searches:
Categorized Searches:
Text Search:
- Enter a key word or phrase in the box below
(this search is also available at the top of every page).
Click here to see how to enter
your company's materials into MatWeb.
We have over
materials in our database, and we are continually adding to that total to provide
you with the most comprehensive free source of material property data on the web.
For your convenience, MatWeb also has several Converters
and Calculators that make common engineering tasks available at the click
of a button. MatWeb is a work in progress. We are continually striving to find better
ways to serve the engineering community. Please feel free to
contact us with any comments or suggestions.
MatWeb's database is comprised primarily of data sheets and spec sheets supplied
by manufacturers and distributors - let them know that you saw their material data
on MatWeb.
Featured Material:
Negative CTE Alloy
